Thursday, March 22, 2012

Ante Up

I feel extremely fortunate to have a stable job (and in the field I studied, bonus) right now, but sometimes...I wish that I were just a pinch less responsible and more impulsive. For example, a few of my friends went to Italy last year but I didn't have the time off to go. My boss even told me I had sick leave available (wink, wink) but I couldn't do that. That isn't me. So I didn't go. Then, a few weeks later I was offered a job in Denver. BUT it wouldn't have as high of earning potential (which, because I live in DC, it's obviously going to be much higher here!). Bottom line, I probably should have taken the job but I was scared, and had this sliver of a delusion that I was dating the one (HA!). Looking back though, if I would have quit my job, gone to Italy for 2 weeks, come back, packed, and driven for Reno (home sweet home), everything would have pretty much lined up perfectly such that I could have stopped in Denver and started the new job! If only I had just decided that I wanted something and gone for it. Just commit to moving to Denver and "wing it." Only, I don't think it would have been "winging it," I think that there was a plan for me and maybe I missed out on it last time. But I know that there's something bigger at work now, and I can trust myself (and my higher power) that everything will work out, if I just bet bigger and go for it.

I ran 4 miles tonight until joggers nip got in the way (TMI, sorry). Might need to invest in some new sports bras. I'm also going to check into downloading this app. It's called GymPact, and you wager how many days per week you'll go to the gym (min. 3) and set a fee for yourself to pay if you miss (as low as $5). Love it! I am an econ nerd though...I'm tempted to try it but need to read the fine print first ;)

After my run I threw together a little snack/dessert since I ate cookies-n-cream protein powder mixed with oatmeal before leaving work (so I'd have enough energy for my run). Here's my mini pie recipe, for those of us too cheap to buy almond flour :)

Easy Gluten Free Mini Pie

For 1 Pie:

8-9 almonds, ground in coffee grinder
1/4 cup of fruit
1 T oatmeal
opt: agave/brown sgr/etc., cinnamon, lemon juice

(1) Pulse almonds in coffee grinder until fine...not too fine, we're not making almond butter.

(2) Pack into bottom of ramekin with fork & top with fruit, oats & optional ingredients.

(3) Bake for 15 min. at 325.


1 comment:

  1. Perhaps you should just start driving towards San Francisco!! Everything will work out, and you will be out of DC in no time! Crossing my fingers for you girl, and making those mini pies ASAP!(That counts as breakfast, right?!)
